I Wonder...I Wonder... Poem by Nidhi Dev

I Wonder...I Wonder...

Whiskers small,
as was his body,
A cub, After all,
Colour yellow, nothing too bright or too gaudy...

I fed him my bread,
He slept on my bed,
Few months enough
To make him as magnificent to where my hopes led...

Growing bigger all the while,
A ferocious lion, my pet! !
When I knew but neglected that once he
Would pounce on me and savour me in his jaws set...

He played ball with me,
And I kept him engaged,
As I knew, I would become his ball one day,
And he would not stop to make a mincemeat of me if I got him too enraged..

But still I loved him as a friend should,
Still I cared for him, answered his call,
Though in my hearts-of hearts, I knew him to be A LION,
One day, bound to be my down-fall...

One day I was sleeping on my bed,
my pet asleep beside me,
Oh but I don't know what made it rip me open,
and tear my heart as badly, free...

His work done, my heart in hand,
He sat majestically on the very same bed,
But accidentally, a small bone pierced
him, He roared in agony as his cheeks turned red..

And then a voice filled the lion's ears,
'Did you hurt yourself? Take care, my sweet'
Aghast, he looked down and saw nothing but my heart in his paws,
The voice, issuing from my own heartbeat...

I woke up, panting, sweat glistening on my pallid face,
'A dream only, after all, thank God! ! '
Oho! but was it only a dream?
I wonder...
I wonder...
I wonder...

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