If Death Were The End Poem by Edward Webb

If Death Were The End

If death were the end
then why do care
and give love that we solemnly share

If death were the end
then why be born,
birth would be the beginning of death
like a morning risen, just to set
mendacious a thought
for days way means they connect

Like sunrise we appear in our window of time
risen a nurture draped in loves shine
as though warmed by the sunshine from a divine

The thought of our own setting day
can draw the heart to distraught a way

so to sooth the torment of a self aware
man thinks only
for what Man does care,

We live and gain riches
yet gain nothing we can keep
Objects aren't the reason loved ones shall weep

What value can we place upon a persons soul
This un measurable half,
that makes people whole,
A value of none if death were the end

Golds worth the value placed on its head,
Gold is worthless, when we are dead!

value of values determines wealth,
no life sees diamonds worth, more than health.

We seek knowledge to reinforce fact,
constructed on nothing more than a theoretical Act.
all a wonder at
if death were the end

Theory's strength relies on credo,
so putting meaning into a know, meaning man as one can grow,

so if mans growth if from a pasts know
this not so, were be it
if death were the end

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