If I Could Do These Things Poem by B.J. Ayers

If I Could Do These Things

Rating: 3.0

If I could share love, I would share it with you,
If I could share joy, I would make you happy
If I had your shoes, I would walk your mile,
If I could do these things, I would do them for you,

If I could heal your pain, I surely would,
If I could make you better, I would do that too
If I could heal you, I would make you well
If I could do these things, I would do them for you

If I could give you courage, I would do that for you,
If I could remove your weakness, I would make you strong,
If I could make you brave, I would give you strength
If I could do these things, I would do them for you,

If I could forgive your sins, I would do that for you,
If I could make you whole again, to start all over,
If I could do these things, to have another chance,
If I could do these things, I would do them for you,

If I could make you believe, I would do that for you,
If I you would honor him, and place your trust in him,
If you want these things, then you must believe,
If you want these things, He will do that for you,

If you want the courage, he will do that for you,
If you want to believe, you must not fail,
If you want these things, It is your choice,
If you want these things, he will do them for you.

Mohammad Akmal Nazir 11 May 2011

Nice poem. Rich in depth and imagery. Beautifully conceived. I rate it 10. Thanks for sharing..... Please read and rate my poem 'A humble complaint' on page 2.

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B.J. Ayers

B.J. Ayers

North Carolina
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