Just Think Poem by Stephen Bennett The Playjurist

Just Think

In the ordinary, all the time, give and take
of this continuous ongoing moment
as an exercise only: answer
for yourself what impact there would be
from your realization that one of the persons
your giving and taking, went to
and came from, is the living God,
You know, the one who made you: the very one
to whom each week you and I pray
and sing to?

His manners are poor and his ways
of being closely mirror many
of your own and of others like you,
and like him, you stay superficial
not opening up, not because you are better,
but because he makes you think
he thinks he is better, but he’s not.
He is in life actually much
worse than you. And he is.

And you know, and you want
him for his own good to see that he is,
His seeing of what you are, that he is not will
help him. Just as an exercise right now
for one moment know
him as God. Why not? Did he not
say my sisters and brothers
if you’ve done whatever you are doing
to the least of these...
And certainly one of the least
is this actually worse man.
Worse than you. Just think.

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