Karma For Karmen Poem by Your Soul

Karma For Karmen

The temperatre in here is freezing cold. The windows are all frozen shut. The only door here is the door that leads to hell. I can't even open it quickly and shut it because if I do that I will immediately burn from the inside out and I won't even have ashes left to be accounted for. If I could just break the window, I could escape this prison and finally start over. Maybe I would marry a fine black man and have kids. But let's face it. What man would want a women whose teeth have mostly fallen out due to the consistently freezing cold temperature. Sometimes I close my eyes for minutes at a time for fear of going blind. It's always so bright and so cold in here. But I guess the good thing is that eventhough I haven't showered for days, I can't smell myself because the wind is constantly blowing. It's so boring in here. All I want is a little sunshine...

All copyright@Ali Warewolf

I lyke this poam cuz she raised a valid question, 'What man would want a women whose teeth have mostly fallen out due to the consistently freezing cold temperature.'And other thinng i lyke is c wants nothing but little sunshine, so C is not greedy

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