Knowing What It Takes Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Knowing What It Takes

What could have stayed to flourish,
With a doing that encourages...
A blooming to observe,
How a blossoming nourishes...
Both young and those older,
Supporting its growth.
Did not.
And/or could not,
Under conditions blocked to stop...
By those taking negative positions.

And today these same people,
Seeking to unify endeavors and efforts...
Of those with experiences they've chased away,
To places where minds are not restricted...
Or limited in consciousness,
Are not craving to validate how ignorance delays.

Envy and jealousy to keep does not attract.
With beliefs that such kept qualities,
Are essential ingredients one must feed on to succeed.
And those wishing to perform deeds to produce success,
Can be found less tolerant...
Of those with minds confined to protests.

'They act as if they are better than the rest of us.'

They act as if they are sensible and responsible adults.
Knowing what it takes to make things happen.
And you?
Still re-act to what others do to improve 'your' environment,
As if a 'substitute' teacher has arrived in the classroom...
To introduce something new to you,
That should be already understood.
But all you want to do is to confuse the issue and argue.~

They could at least 'make' us listen.'

~Or successfully ignore you to move on.
Are you needing this message left,
To be further interpreted? ~

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