Labor Day

In the early morning of September three two-thousand and one
After drinking so hopelessly with a buddy for my dreams were gone
It was a Labor Day Holiday that same day and morning
And we were celebrating like hell the previous evening
Something happened to me that resulted to carnage and disaster
I was arrested on the streets of Los Angeles for driving under the influence
But I believe that putting me behind bars will always have a consequence
For that very day we plotted our own justice and revenge
And eight days later will be the day that we will avenge
The Father of Freedom, Liberty and Independence was shamelessly insulted
When he was mistakenly placed behind bars and was mistakenly arrested
For my powers might not be directly within my hands
I still have dominion over my minions and my lands
For God could see or hear us all day and all night long
Our voices and prayers resonates to his head like a song
So eight days later would be the manifestation of my light
To show all of God's strength, power, justice and might
This is the truth and reality that humanity should know
Of our true nature and the things we still have to show
The twins Apollo and Diana had struck the two towers
Along with Zeus and Ares with the use of all our powers
But we are were not sending a message of hate but rather hope
That through the times of hardships and trials we must all cope
The collapse of the two towers signifies the death of an old system
No longer the once estrange America we once followed and understood
But the fresh and renewed America searching for the right and good
Learning from its mistakes in the present and since the past
Turning its back from all the wickedness that its shadow cast
The new America that would withstand the test of time through the ages
And the only record worth telling in history are its victories in its pages
The America that is of the people, by the people and for the people
Sharing the same Equality, Freedom and Independence as its principle
Our Home and Land that could never be shattered or be broken
A message of Remembrance and Hope for all the lives that was taken

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