Live Life Now, Do Right Poem by Johan Miles

Live Life Now, Do Right

Let me tell you a little about life,

you’ll like to know
I feel reborn so many times
I do not want to ever die.

I have seen so many wars
I’m tired of mourning
And now that I’m back
I want to live more

Some are born with everything,
and others with nothing
But everyone has a ticket that says
Beginning and there is the end

You have to enjoy life
That time is suddenly going fast
Enjoy what you have
That when you leave, you do not take nothin ‘

There are friends that will be withyou forever,

and others come and go
But we all lived in a roulette
that never stops for no one

So walk forward, do not be afraid
That critics in the end criticize themselves
And search for what you want and your luck
That nothing is written, do not look behind

only look forward, tomorrow is hope

what’s past is past

So enjoy life, live right

do the right things,

if you did wrong, make amends

if your friends need help, help

live happy so no regrets will

come to you
that the good you do

will find its way back to you

So no more delay you have to enjoy life
That time is suddenly going fast
Enjoy what you have
That when you leave, you do not take nothing

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