Message To The Creator And An Announcement To The World: I Love Thee God Poem by nadia abduljabbar

Message To The Creator And An Announcement To The World: I Love Thee God

Thou art is so grand and fine,
Thou are so great and kind,
Some call thee God,
Some call thee Allah,
I adore all of thy names;
I feel them inside me and out.

I adore your ninety nine names,
That are mentioned in
Mohammad’s Tradition,
Peace be upon him and all
The other messengers and
Prophets, who suffered
To teach and elevate humanity
To reach to the goals it is created for.

Thou are The Beautiful,
And minute part of your beauty
Is reflected on The Milky way,
Oceans, Mountains, Butterflies,
School of fish and herds,
I cannot count more,
Thou are The Merciful;
Even when you test us difficult
Test you are there to aid,
Thou are The Goodness;
In the Arab world, they rarely
Clarify this grand name.

I feel every name
In every heart beat,
In every red and blue vein.

And when I am alone
And surrounded by
Aloofness, I feel thy
Presence inside me and out;
That makes me alone,
But not lonely.

And Even when my life is clouded
With dark grey and black clouds,
Thou sends me from nowhere,
A kind of inner and outer light,
Something like moon beams,
And warm sunshine,
And all of a sudden,
I find on my face a big smile
And I giggle like child.

Please God never deprive
me from thy love nor from
Feling thee around,
Keep those who love me,
Wthout intending to violate thee, around;
Give them the strength that
Makes them sustain difficulties
So that I enjoy being with them
Here and in the coming life.


11 April,2013

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