Midlife Crisis Man Poem by Shannon Chapel

Midlife Crisis Man

Rating: 5.0

Oh, great! Here he comes again
Look out if you can.
It’s not a bird, it’s not a plane
It’s Midlife Crisis Man.

His shirt unbuttoned to his waist
An earring in his ear
His outfit is in such poor taste
But he’s unaware, I fear.

For he believes that he looks good
In his shiny red sports car
Date 18-year-olds if he could
‘Cause he thinks he’s a star.

His thinning hair is pulled back tight
In a tiny ponytail
His Chicklet teeth are extra white
Thanks to dentist, Dr. Dale.

Is that Abba booming
From his spendy amplifier?
Through traffic he is zooming
This 70s personifier.

His style surely does confound
His behavior’s controversial
Acting the fool he prances ‘round
Like that guy in the Bowflex commercial.

You know the one of which I speak
I think he’s forty-one
“Slammin’ with twentysomethings” on the beach
His skin tan from the sun.

What happened to humility?
Of vanity I’m no fan.
For me desirability
Is not Midlife Crisis Man.

I like my men kind and real.
With big hearts and love to spare.
Obsession with themselves holds no appeal
With me they have no prayer.

So if you think of nothing more
Than looks and weight you can
Be sure to others you’re a bore
Like Midlife Crisis Man.


Inspired by...well, maybe it's better not to say. lol

Ernestine Northover 12 February 2006

Brilliant Shannon, enjoyed every line, a splendid write. Lovely and lighthearted too, just what I need. Love Ernestine XXX

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Slimboydim . 12 February 2006

Love your poem, cleverly done. I fear that i see myself in your words! Thank you for sharing. Kindest Regards Slim. x.

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Stevland Ambrose 28 December 2016

I find it perpetually disheartening that everyone — including men — fail to recognize misandry when they encounter it. Most people are not even familiar with the word 'misandry', but I doubt you can find anyone over the age of 16 that cannot define 'misogyny' for you. In response to this poem a male commenter says, If ever we meet in years to come and I look this way to you. Please, smack me about a little. I'll need the wake up call. Yikes! I mean, really! Please take a moment to imagine the response we'd see if a man were to post a similar poem only regarding a female subject. sigh

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Stevland Ambrose 28 December 2016

I find it perpetually disheartening that everyone — including men — fail to recognize misandry when they encounter it. Most people are not even familiar with the word 'misandry', but I doubt you can find anyone over the age of 16 that cannot define 'misogyny' for you. In response to this poem a male commenter says, If ever we meet in years to come and I look this way to you. Please, smack me about a little. I'll need the wake up call. Yikes! I mean, really! Please take a moment to imagine the response we'd see if a man were to post a similar poem only regarding a female subject. sigh.

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Gina Onyemaechi 19 February 2006

Humorous but highly insightful and perceptive too. A strong poem. 10 from little old me. Warm regards, Gina.

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Steve Fulk 16 February 2006

Shannon. If ever we meet in years to come and I look this way to you. Please, smack me about a little. I'll need the wake up call...lol

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Moya Levy 12 February 2006

Love it Shannon! ! This has given me a lovely little chuckle! Thanks Moyaxx

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