Mind Rays Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Mind Rays

Mind rays filtering into many catacombs, finding their
way into massive arteries of intellect, sharing all
elements with extrasensory academics.
Sensing formulas of innate intelligence as patterns
form and innovate trillions of ideas all at once.
Transposing all innate codes into legible mosaics,
posted onto photographic visions, taking illumination to
new grounds of inertia and foundations for discoveries.
Lasting moments of thought continually mounting obstacles,
barriers, difficulties, placed in line as learning
opportunities for imagination to learn to focus and transcend
itself while infiltrating reality within it's elastic boundaries
and past limitations.
Seeking truths, looking through mind rays of thought at a
vast expanse of intelligence, sharing itself with imagination's photographic moments, alongside of rhythm as it all begins
and blends into one fluid motion of innert observation while
innate statements are made through poetical intimidation.
Allowing usage of limitless access on many different levels
and dimensions of thought.
Entering now, the ninth dimension - a beautiful expansive
landscape with scenery never before seen or experienced.
A whole new world opened to my mind as I bask in it's refreshing purity and ponder how future poetry will be mined and separated
into many particles, isolated for portions in times.

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