Mine Liebe Chris Poem by Aldo Kraas

Mine Liebe Chris

Mine liebe Chris
I wanted so much to tell you how
God and me likes you in a song
Mine liebe Chris
So listen careful to the worlds of this song
Mine liebe Chris
You and I will fly in the sky like Eagles in the sky
At night when the stars are shining so bright
So that everybody can be able to see our bright colors in the sky
Among the stars
Mine liebe Chris
During the days in Germany we travel to different towns or cities in Germany to pay our full respect to the German soldiers that fought in
World war II
Mine Liebe Chris
Our lives are like pages in a book
And every pages are good and bad memories writen in it
But throw the bad memories in the gabarbage because it is not worth to Keep it
And neither it is worth to think about it
But think about the good memories instead
Mine liebe Chris
God is watching out for you everyday
Mine liebe Chris I want you to remember always that God and me likes you
For who you are
Mine liebe Chris
And you are fine by just being yourself
Mine liebe Chris
You also have a reason to be proud of who you are
Mine liebe Chris
When you need to cry just cry
Don't hold your tears for me, for God, and for your friends
Our lives are like pages in a book
And every pages are good and bad memories
Writen in it
Mine liebe Chris
Keep the good memorie alive
But throw the bad memories in the garbage because it is not worth to keep It
And neither it is worth to think about it
But think about the good memories instead
Mine liebe Chris
Laughing is the best medecine that there is because it releases the stress in You
Mine liebe Chris
Let's pray for one another by joining hands
Let's unite the world now
Because we can change the world
Mine liebe Chris
Let's thank somebody who made a difference in our lives through all The years
Mine liebe Chris
We need to do some self growth and there is no better time than now
Mine liebe Chris
I think Spring is in the air
And let's give thanks to God for the Spring

Aldo Kraas

Aldo Kraas

Sao Paulo Brazil
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