My First Preaching Poem by Nur Meiyati

My First Preaching

Someone in his twenties sent me a message
Please give me a wisdom
What? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Oh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...
Do you think I am prophet who delivers a prophesy
Do you think I am a goddess with angelic voice, revealing wisdom
Do you think I am an angel who spread my wings to help the needy
Do you think I am a hero to become a model

So funny
I am not the one who has done much for my country or humanity
I am just an ordinary person
I am not always peaceful
Even sometimes I am full of anger
Seeing the craziness of the world
Stupid war, injustice, bullying, genocide, corruption, manipulation, ignorance or hypocrisy

So weird is the world …..or is it the people?
The youngsters dwell in their memories of heroic films they watched in their childhood
As the real world is too disappointing even just to be accepted as it is
The older people …...............................
With the stories of imaginary magical holy people
Creating heroes and heroine that match or made to be matched with the characters they have in their fantasy:
Imaginary heroes and heroines in the real life there are no such people
Who are perfect and have no flaws

Listen! Listen! Listen!
I have no wisdom for you or anyone
You can get them from any holy books
You can get them from famous quotes from famous people or proverbs
You can just follow them if you are lazy to use your mind
But one wisdom may contradict with another
And sometimes even are very dangerous for the simple minds
So the best wisdom is from you yourself
Train your heart and mind to choose any wisdom suitable for you
That can only be done if you remember this:
No ''MUST” before you test them … for you
Free thinking is a must
I know how it is very well
As I experienced it in my life, from No to Yes

So my first preaching for you is: I can't preach and have no wisdom for you

(Indonesia,15 November 2013)

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