My Key Of Freedom Poem by Lilith Van'Nightinveil

My Key Of Freedom

My Key of Freedom
Looking around, searching
For something
Its important
It'll let me go
I must find that key.
The key to my freedom

Its my only way out
I must find it.
If i cannot find it
I might not be here
Today or tomorrow
Would any miss me
If i couldn't find my key?
To get out of these chains?
Maybe they would
Maybe they wouldn't
Its hard to say
That my freedom is so important
That i must find that key
Before its to late.

Its getting late and I'm still looking
I can see the blackness seeping in
Taking all the light away
And making it harder to look
Thats when i give up for that night
Still in my chains
On my knees thinking why?

On my knees for sometime
I dozed off
Then i wake with a jerk
Suck a horrible nightmare
I shiver
Still thinking i must find the key to my freedom
The darkness has lifted
I search for it again.
Hours goes by no sign
I fall straight to my knees and cry
Because i failed to find my key
My freedom.

I'm hoping my friends
Don't miss me to much
I hope the don't come searching
Let them have rest
And let them think i'm dead
My key of freedom is not there
And so its better to let
Them think I'm dead
And not alive
Its better that way
I hope....

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