My True Friend Poem by StaceyLeigh Olner

My True Friend

Rating: 4.0

You were there since i was six,
You know everyone of my secrets,
When i was ill you lay next to me,
You would watch me go to school,
And wait for my return,
You used to hide in my draw,
When you had been hurt,
I could cuddle you for hours,
At 8pm everyday you came to me for food,
When i read a book you would sit on my lap,
As i you were trying to read to,
Sometimes you would just lay there watching t.v.,
You would fall asleep in the most unusual positions,
Sometimes you would just curl up in a ball,
You didn't care if people took pictures,
You were like me a 'posser'

Today was alwasy gonna come,
I just wished it wern't so soon,
I know it was for the best,
So you dont suffer no more,
I know you was in alot of pain,
With luekemia and caner of the bone marrow,
I'm sorry, it dont mean we dont love you,
It was for the best,
You dont need to suffer no more,
You can be pain free,
I wish today wasn't so soon,
I'm gonna miss you smokey,
Take care please,
And always remember, ...
I LOVE YOU dont forget it,
Goodbye x x x

About smokey

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