Never Forget The Real Reason I Was Born Poem by Broken Shell

Never Forget The Real Reason I Was Born

I want you to remember the real reason I was born so that no distance can steal our love away.

I promise no matter where you go, there will never be another who loves you like I do now and here forever.

You can leave me and go to some other place in this world,
but even then, you are still with me wherever I am.

Because even when you are so far away I can't see you with my eyes,

You still cannot get any closer to me than my heart and that's where you are right now, tomorrow, at the end of the year, or even
whenever there is a moment inside or outside of time you're still a part of me and I can never let you go
or pretend that love is possible for me without you.

Everyday I want you to remember me and realize that I am somewhere wanting to be with you, loving you more and more every moment.

If I could keep you here with me forever, you know I would.
If I could make a deal with God so you'd be able to stay here forever and we could be together I would.

(I did pray and am praying so we'll have to see how He works that out.)

Even though I know you have to go away for awhile,
I need you to promise that you won't forget that I love you
and am here waiting for you as if you've never left.

Let's just promise that we will pick up right where we left off
no matter what changes between now and the next time we see each other.

When you brush your hair in the morning and look in the mirror,
I want you to smile, because you know that I am here still loving you with all of my heart. Will you?

When you are out in public places and see the people walking by
smile, because you remember that I am loving you.

When you rest your beautiful head on your pillow tonight and every night, smile, remember because I love you and will be there with you one day.

I purposefully made this poem not to rhyme so that you won't forget that our love is not something to be forgotten or labeled or to call a poem or to ever forget no matter what,
but is alive and always in every moment in every place.

There is nowhere in this earth, or in this world
where you can go that won't remind you that I love you.

There is no day that you can live that won't be the anniversary
of me loving you with all my heart in every moment.

The world's not big enough to keep my love for you away.

The world is not big enough to keep our love away.

There is no situation or circumstance bad or difficult enough to keep
our love away.

I want to give you the most fun moments you'll ever have

I want to give you the most love you've ever experienced

I want to give you the most reasons to smile of your life

When you think of me, I want you to miss me with all your heart

and remember I love you no matter where you are and no matter what.

If I robbed a bank so I could find a way to buy a house near where you'll be

and a car to come to see you and a private jet just for us
so we can fly above all this world
then there would be no jail time long enough to keep me
from loving you if I got caught.

But yes, I am guilty of loving you.

But it is only self-defense because you stole my heart
the moment I met you and will forever live inside my heart
even after I die.

Get a piece of paper right now and write down the date when we will meet when we can be together again.

I want to plan together with you and write it down so that we can look forward
to seeing each other as soon as we can.

Do you want me to bring you roses, some jewelry
to just walk up to you and kiss you before you even see me?

Just let me know the perfect picture and I will paint it into reality so that life has no choice but to give us what we decide.

I decided I would love you forever the moment I looked into your eyes and met the woman of my lifetime, my destiny and my forever.

Somewhere there will be poets, authors, screenfilm writers,
songwriters to show, tell and sing about the story of our love to billions,

but even if they charged the whole world's economy for a single
movie ticket, a song, a book... it still couldn't buy
the happiness I will give you.

Some say people can't give you happiness that you can't find it
in other people but have to find it for yourself.

But if it means you won't forget about me,

I'll go ahead anyway and say that you can
only find happiness with me and I can prove it because it's a fact just like the sun will come up in the morning.
Watch and see, I promise it's true.

I was planning on being sad because you had to go at first,
but I'm not going to now.

I'm just going to be happy because I know it's going to be
even more perfect when we see each other again.

So don't cry if you miss me, laugh.

Because when we meet again, it's going to be even better than the first time we met.

And we'll never have to say goodbye again.
Because even death can't do us part.
Because you live forever in my heart.
And when it stops beating, I'll still love you.

And I love you now with everything I am
because without you I'm no one
and the real reason I was born was to love you forever.

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