Ode To Islam Poem by Cynthia Yildirim

Ode To Islam

Oh my how ye have changed
Once known for your kindness to strangers
Now your reputation tarnished by extremist
What will you do now?
You are not all evil
But, those slackers are
They corrupt your faith
Is this Muhammad’s true intention?
You have allowed yourself
To become lost and blinded
By these extremist in your faith
Return to your roots at once!
The ones of your faith, that are still good
Must correct those who have
Damaged your name
The extremists
They claim to kill for everything, but
Really kill for nothing like all men
You call Christians and Jews evil doers
Thinking that we must die or conform
You think that your religion is innocent
But, your men suffer the same vices as ours
You are not innocent people of virtue!
You love and belittle your women
You deny them choices
They act as your servants
Why? It is your culture right or wrong
The Christians did not knock your door
You knocked theirs
They are tolerant, you are not. Why?
Why so much hate?
You must restore your good reputation
You must rebuild the buildings you’ve tumbled
You must repay to the families of the lives you have taken
You must beg Allah for forgiveness of this wrongdoing
These two towers fell in the New City
With them also fell our respect of you
Now you are a tyrant, vagabond, a sickly child
That waits for the opportunity to die
You are now not possessed by good, but by evil
It is Fact!
That you are not all supporters of these extremists
Then why do you keep silent?
Do the good have no voice in your religion?
Only those who kill in the name of Allah
Allah has spoken to me and he is angry at this
You now have fools to represent you
But! It does not have to be so
You can change this dangerous path
You can reclaim your honor
All you must do is defy these extremists
And defeat them at all costs
Can you do this?
It is hard to defeat an enemy
Especially when the enemy bears your name
But you must!
Dream of that day
When you are accepted
At all parts, all entrances
Now you are quizzed,
Hounded, Harassed, and Jailed
It is your own doing, you know this
A crime against your own people
Now they all appear as enemies of the world
They have just suspicions of you
All around your veil is open
Your world no longer closed
You against the world
You jealous being
Do not kill for anyone!
Keep your face free
Your hands washed of this tragic time
Do not be like the extremists
They are scoundrels
They kill the American, Europeans and
Even those of the Middle East
They are tyrants
Do not be like them
Muslims, you must regain your virtue
You must not fall into this trap of Al Qaeda
They are not your representors
They do not own your hearts, Allah does
He spoke to me and is displeased with the extremists
They twist the Koran into something unkind
They are wrong, confused, and lost
The time has come
To restore your reputation
Free yourselves from their evil
Be your own man
Be your own woman
Muslims be virtuous
Muslims be again kind
Muslims be again tolerant of others
This the world requests of you
As well as Allah and I
Do rise and wash your face
To hide the shame?
Arise from your slumber and speak that
Which is still unspoken
Arise and regain your honor
For Allah had rather have love before his eyes,
Then the slain bodies of his children of the world.

Cynthia Yildirim

Cynthia Yildirim

Florence, Alabama U.S.A
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