Outlets Poem by John Palermo


I'm at a cornerstone in life

I have reached a crossroad in a naked ghost town of a city and am standing on the street corner of a four way stop in life as curious as a stranger in a new town

Anger, Sorrow, Love, Fear, and Shame are the clouds hovering above me

They all rain down instantaneously, spontaneously, and sporadically in unison and together like a group of crows or vultures seeking out their next victim

Where will I go in life? What will i do if trials and tribulation guard my way?

I have made all my choices, and they have automatically evaporated to the sky

Now what shall I choose?

I choose anger, and a train wreck whistles past me crashing loudly and violently!

I choose sorrow, and a homeless 120 yr. old man is sitting next to me with tears

I choose love, and a red light flashes on and off & a stop signs appear by me

I choose fear, and buildings catch fire with black opaque smoke and no help

I choose shame, and I become naked; embarrassed, guilty, and shameful

Next it is now time for the precipitation of the sky attributes to proceed their role

I have no power just fate hovering above me and showering upon my view

The train wreck is whisped away; this is my sign that even anger can be healed

The homeless man wins the lottery and his tears are no more; this is my sign that even sadness has a balance of adversity

The stoplight turns green and the stop sign vanishes; this is my sign that if I 'stop' looking the right will come to me and my journey of love still has a go

The buildings are drenched by a massive tidal wave and the water leaves the city; this is my sign that even fear is too meek and mild for the power of God

I become clothed and have no guilt; this is my sign that even shame is lonely in itself and its enemies become friends to others

I move on walking with a carefree free spirited demeanor and still positive about what lies ahead of me; my scenery be comes that of a shiny glimmering trail which calls for a hike up this mysterious yet inviting mountain

I push on and push on and keep going up and up and up when finally....

I reach the summit! ! !

There are four men and one woman standing there

The first man hands me a pillow that is as soft, soothing, and smooth as cotton

The second second man hands me a tissue of silk- such an elegant piece of garment with a sense of purity and ability to cleanse

The third man creates a dance floor that has the best possible music to dance to and a dj that makes your feet and body never even want to think about or stop moving for the music is as soulful and as vivacious as it gets

The fourth man shows me a piano near by; a grand one at that and beholds the best heavenly harmony and tune that is all in all melody at its best and finest

The woman- angelic she is- -hands me a key; a gold one full of curiosity and ready to open the best gift possible even better that a long awaited gift on Christmas Day!

They then explain to me what each object is represented as.....

The pillow, shall i ever get angry, serves as a punching bag-one that can be hit over and over and is absolutely indestructible

The tissue, shall i ever cry again, will wipe away my tears and no matter how many I may wipe away it's an endless eternal sponge of silk.

The dance floor, shall i ever fear again, is for dancing my fears away; for no matter what fear happens to step on the dance floor- my battle and competition will serve fear on a platter every time!

The piano, shall I ever be shameful again, I will play to uplift my spirit; for my spirit is what is played and wielded through this instrument which produces glorious tunes and vibrant harmony- a harmony that is unbreakable

The key, shall I ever love again will win over the best girl of my dreams and will knock on the door of their heart opening them up to me and seeing that i am the true pure genuine real present that they deserve

I am in a paradise of answers and conclusions and a worry free environment

For i know that whatever stands in my way of life

Whether I get Mad, Sad, Glad, Afraid, or Ashamed again

I have a solution and that- my friends- are outlets! ! !

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