P-E-O-P-L-E Poem by Monzer Masri


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Don't say such trash about people!
What are you without people!
Put what I say now,
Like a humming insect, in your middle ear:
You're nothing without people
Thousands years ago,
They shaped spears, set traps,
Hunted, killed,
Turned to caves, set fire,
Installed leaders, submitted to laws,
Worshiped gods, offered up sacrifices,
And every man of them threw himself
Over a woman
all that was just for you to come.
They picked you up from
Between your mother thighs
They washed you using warm water,
And swaddled you.
While they could
At the moment, you were born,
Dip you into frozen water
And drown you.
They are
Whom taught you how
From your mouth
As letters and words.
They dictated you the names,
Then called you by yours,
And then you knew who you were.
They wade into mud knee-deep
To plant rice
Take the troubles to climb
The top of the mountain
To cultivate apple fields
Bleed their hands cause of
Cotton gathering
Plait thick rapes,
And, deliberately weave rugs
Travel far and wide,
To trade by silk and spice
Melt the earth,
And their eyes pop out while
Blowing up glass.
For whom?
For what?
It's for you sake,
In order to drink when you dry
To eat something tasty
When your stomach aches
To wear tender, lace clothes
In summer
And wool and impermeable leather,
In cold weather
And in order to let you bury
Your head and sleep,
They made the bed,
The quilt, and the pillow
And in order to go
Wherever you want,
They made the shoes,
And built the roads
People who
Give you money for anything
Even time, which is worthless to you.
And for some money
They give you anything
Even time
Because, time is gold
For them.
People who accept to buy you
For free,
But because they believe in you
They refuse to sell you except
For a price
People who squeeze their heads
To tell you what is best for you
And let you choose.
People who forgive your sins
Without knowing them
People who could run over you
With a car (by their car) ,
While you were inattentively,
Crossing the street,
But they blew the horn
People who could be pretend
They don't see you.
While you're about to jump
From the roof
People who could, if they wish,
Poison your soup
In restaurant or in home
People who live for you, to live
Imagine all people are dead,
What does remain of you, then?
People who die for you, to live
Imagine they never die
What does remain for you, then?
People who easily,
Could loose you, and live without you
But they prefer to spare you
And live with you
For one reason.
People… don't say such trash!
Don’t repeat what people say
About people!
Who are you without people?
To whom can you say: Good morning?
And they answer: Good morning, how are you?
But you don't have to answer.
Who… you press his hands, good bye,
While you're holding back the tears?
Who….while you are sitting alone in your burrow,
Rings your phone,
Or knock your door's bell?
To whom do you write letters,
Then tear them up
Or send them by post, but
You reach there before them?
Who do you love those you hate,
Feud with and plot against,
Fight and overcome?
From whom do revenge, without people?
For whom, do you wait and never come?
Who you miss as a art of your body?
For whom do you choose,
The prettiest stones of sea shore,
And they never care?
Who sing for you?
Till you are embarrassed?
Who.. when you see, you laugh,
Then cry in their faces?
Then you kiss the palms of their hands?
With whom do you dream,
Without people?
Al – Hallaj told me, when he died
God sent him to paradise,
He found it empty of people,
'what would I do here alone? '
He said to himself.
Then he jumped over its wall
And fled into hell.
Because it was full of


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