Peace Unto You Poem by Pheko Motaung

Peace Unto You

Rating: 4.5

We enter this new era on
the wings of the new era
To usher in peace into the heart
of blessed humanity

Peace unto you my brother
Peace unto you my father
Peace unto you my sister
Peace unto you my mother

We open the new chapter
Into the history of mankind
To forget the errors of the past
We meet here determined not
to live until we have corrected
The mistakes of the past

Peace unto you
Who was my oppressor in the past
Peace unto you who was
My torturer yesterday
Peace unto you who was
A sellout to their just cause
Peace unto you who was
The one to pull the trigger
That mowed them down

Peace unto the world
We come together to live
Where there is reconciliation
with justice
We meet to make the world a just
and fair world where all God's
Children are treated with fairness
in the eyes of the law

Kelly Kurt 30 March 2015

A wonderful poem. Thanks for sharing. Peace

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Neela Nath Das 27 June 2012

A good wish indeed.Enjoyed the style.

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Nontobeko Dlamini 27 June 2012

To give the gift of forgiveness is to heal the soul and to let peace reign and love flourishes. Teaches and heals the soul, well said! A true masterpiece. Thank you for sharing.

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Malini Kadir 27 June 2012

This Poetry touched my heart........

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Shouvik Roy 27 June 2012

an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind- lovely write.. :)

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Pheko Motaung

Pheko Motaung

Reitz.Republic Of South Africa
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