Penned With Faith Poem by Suraj Motiwala

Penned With Faith

I see this despondent pen galvanised instantly in the clutch of my fingers, methinks it is eager to shed its ink in remembrance of the Beloved of the world; like unto the thousands who poured forth their blood to see the Ark of His Cause sail upon the earth!

O my pen O my pen, cease thy haste. Do you really wish to recount the similes around, knowing that there may be no ears to be found?

'Does the nightingale care' said the pen, ‘if all be deaf to its song? ' tell then thy tale-'and their unbelief shall only increase for the unbelievers their own perdition! '(+)

I once saw a plant in green like every other green, I said to myself, 'was the ordinary colour not enough that the unfortunate thing was adorned with thorns'? And today I wish I could have perceived the colour and the fragrance which was to come from it, I would be saved from the burden of my untimely, unseemly judgement against the matchless beauty of the rose!

Thus judge not the thief(1) or the murderer(2) , a fatherless child(3) or a mad man(4) too soon; humble thyself that ye may hearken the one same Melody which the Most Great Flutist(*) plays through these different coloured flutes. Oh! How I wish you would believe me when I say, 'the sun which dawned millenniums ago, is the same sun we see now in the midst of the day! 'Alas! Alas! They still ask, '‘Hath the Hour come? ' say: ‘Nay, more; it hath passed! '(~)

'Let alone the ignorant' said the pen, 'his ignorance is his curse. He will keep unheard thy counsel and find naught but errors of grammar in all these verse.'Bewildered I am nevertheless! To behold the careless ones free of stress! '

O my pen, O my pen! Ye will witness the men to be at peace in two conditions, one through knowledge and other in ignorance. Imagine a man walking a path, oblivious of the pit ahead, this ignorant one is only at peace until he lands in the abyss, while the knower will elude the dreadful ditch and still be at ease. Praised be God for this knowledge! Which can be heard if ye give heed to the Hymns(•) of the Flute.

Part 2: A man hears the pen and the writer and approaches them saying:

'I have suffered enough of rheum, seen in the world naught but gloom, not one part of me is left undefiled, against God too have I cavilled; Ready am i now to sacrifice my all for the progress of my soul. O my friend! Assure me if you can that God will heal this deaf and diseased man! '

He doeth whatsoever He pleaseth, nor can I assure you nether is my own end known. Come O my companion in this homeland of dust, let us beseech God saying:

'O Thou forgiving Lord! Thou art the shelter of all these Thy servants. Thou knowest the secrets and art aware of all things. We are all helpless, and Thou art the Mighty, the Omnipotent. We are all sinners, and Thou art the Forgiver of sins, the Merciful, the Compassionate. O Lord! Look not at our shortcomings. Deal with us according to Thy grace and bounty. Our shortcomings are many, but the ocean of Thy forgiveness is boundless. Our weakness is grievous, but the evidences of Thine aid and assistance are clear. Therefore, confirm and strengthen us. Enable us to do that which is worthy of Thy holy Threshold. Illumine our hearts, grant us discerning eyes and attentive ears. Resuscitate the dead and heal the sick. Bestow wealth upon the poor and give peace and security to the fearful. Accept us in Thy kingdom and illumine us with the light of guidance. Thou art the Powerful and the Omnipotent. Thou art the Generous. Thou art the Clement. Thou art the Kind.'(-)

- Suraj Motiwala


(+) Quran 35: 39

(1) Referring to Krishnaji as 'Maakhan Chor'

(2) Referring to Moses

[Exodus 2: 12]

(3) Referring to Christ

[Matthew 1: 18]

(4) Referring to Prophet Muhammad

[ Quran 15: 6]

(*) Referring to the Most Great Spirit which was Manifested in Baha'u'llah through the will of God [Summons of the Lord of Hosts<slh> Pg 26: 50]</slh>

(~) Tablets revealed After Kitáb-I- Aqdas by Baha'u'llah pg.117

(•) Referring to the Holy Scriptures

In part 2:

(-) Prayer revealed by Abdul'Baha

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