* Political Essay..... Distrust Of Government Poem by Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan

* Political Essay..... Distrust Of Government

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Why is distrust of government a serious a problem of public adminstration?


It is an indispensable truth that distrust of government is considered as a serious problem for public administration because firstly, in my own point of view, public administrator is duty bound to administer the public, the people. They lead the citizenry with morale, values, honesty and trust. Bearing the hackneyed constitutional line, ' Public office is a public trust '. People individually cannot obtain goals for himself. They created an agency - the government through which their collective will is submitted. Public adminstration mediates this intuitive atmosphere between the people and the government. Trust must be the SPINE SOUL along this cleavage. Therefore, it is imperative to say that if the people have no trust, lost their trust or never trust anymore the government to whom their will is submitted then eventually the function of public adminstration is totally futile and inutile.

It is a serious problem, it can cut off the mutual flow and symbiotic relationship between the government that people themselves had created and the people to whom the government existence depends.Distrust could probably clog down administrator's rules.

How about the government itself has distrust to the public administration?

would this be consider as serious problem by the people?

or the government again has distrust to the public because the people themselves

want anarchism - a nation without government to rule?

Well, back to the distrust of government, I have one or more particular examples to ponder this topic.

During ' HELLO GARCI' tape expose, no doubt that incumbent President Arroyo's popularity was sinking down rapidly after that bombastic politial scandal. People begun to question her legitimacy as president.It was a sign of massive distrust. Rallies, petitions, redress of grievances crowding here and there believing that they were cheated and taking back of what they had believed that Arroyo had taken from them - the clean and honest election.

Another distrustful example is the endless agony of the frustrating and dying house of representatives, the Kamara and the Pres. Macapal, i mean Macapagal Arroyo's allies, the tentacles of congress as i would elaborate, for their untimely endorsing CHACHA, the charter change. How sure are they that it is for economic upliftment without inserting watergate-like conspiracy for power retentions just to sustain their political ambitions and greediness? They should not fool the Filipino anymore. They should not use that old tricks for the old dogs like us.

That only add more reasons to distrust the government.And no single public administrator, i believe, with sound mind and non-partisan conscience would say that Macapagala-Arroyo administration is needed to be trusted everytime that First Gentleman Padrino Mike Arroyo is being involved again and again in a countless ZTE- DEAL like scandals.

To answer the last question on how to heighten popular confdence in government is tantamount to answer this peculiar question, when can we elect a leader who can gain popular trust tossed by the majority, a leader who is not a politician?

Rebuilding people's trust must syncronize in cleansing massively in and out all anomalies in government. All tentacles of graft and corruptions.All traditional politikos that hamper rapid progress. Gaining back the trust of the people must work simultaneously, the people and the government, pertaining to the authority and administrators.

Because, I for one, believe that I cannot put back my trust to someone whom he is still breaching my expectations from him. Government must change its negative connotation first. Elected leaders must possess a character that is truthfully to be trusted even without pleasing a single citizen to trust them. I don't mean i want them to build a utopian society nor a classless community which is free from exploitation, chaos and power greediness. My point is only for a little bit of change, a nation that people are proud of to say that Philippines is the great country. Leaders are trustworthy.And we, the people will wholeheartedly supports every objectives of our government bearing no single doubt that we are subject only of being corrupted.

I believe that all public administrators, government officials and employees,

ordinary citizens would agree with me that to gain back the losing trust and confidence of the people towards the government must begin within ourselves.

Brian Jani 19 June 2014

This poem is one of those which deserves adding to my favourite list, i like the almost tangible and vivid imagery

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Catrina Heart 20 October 2009

well pointed out...nice sharing your views and facts............Lets make a stand on the election next year! ! ! Spread our voices clearly in a proper way! ! !

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Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan

Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan

a.k.a. Jetfellow Marchanism
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