Position In Mid Air Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Position In Mid Air

Rating: 5.0

Some one intruded in God’s domain
To watch the dancer with wish to remain
Lost in dreams and position could not regain
Noticed by the sentries and presented to chief main

He pleaded guilty to be spared at once
No one liked to be shown their even at glance
They cursed and ordered to be thrown form heaven
Remain in the air with head up and legs down

Such was disgraced order form God to man
It is punishment and u got to bear as much as you can
He came to be known as “TRI SHANKU” or triangle
Neither on earth, air or in heaven with angel

It is very interesting and depicts the uncertainty
Person looses his place and doesn’t have continuity
Neither he will be welcome at home nor in city
One can only feel sorry and some degree of pity

TRISHANKU is position to show position in mid air
Person can not decide his position with split hair
He will be in dilemma what to do next
All his game plans will be failure even if he tried his best

Try not to be mid air and have clear say
Right path and direction with open way
No to gimmick and no more games to play
Assert with confidence as have your sway

You can’t have two minds with no clear decision
Ideas and plans will have to be with precision
You will loose respect along with stature
Cheques will have no value without small signature

Try to create position with point of strength
You may have choice to go at any length
It is you who will alter or decide course
Success may be at your feet with simple authority of course

Mahananda Pittle Jaswantlal 01 September 2009

Person looses his place and doesn’t have continuity Neither he will be welcome at home nor in city.....10

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Pradip Pillai 01 September 2009

No to gimmick and no more games to play Assert with confidence as have your sway.....10

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Trevor William 01 September 2009

Lost in dreams and position could not regain Noticed by the sentries and presented to chief main..........10

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Dalsukh S 01 September 2009

He pleaded guilty to be spared at once No one liked to be shown their even at glance They cursed and ordered to be thrown form heaven Remain in the air with head up and legs down....10

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Vinod Karmakar 01 September 2009

Neither he will be welcome at home nor in city One can only feel sorry and some degree of pity

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Sachin Goswami 15 October 2009

Lost in dreams and position could not regain Noticed by the sentries and presented to chief main

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Twinkle Vohra 14 October 2009

Whole country is mourning death, Paying homage and offering wreath, He may be buried in simple manner,

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Vijay Menon 11 September 2009

extremely well written poem sir kudos to you 10+++

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Louis Rams 03 September 2009

GOD gave us all choices and if we choose to go the wrong way, then we must pay the consequences of our actions. very good write, and truth in every word. a ten

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Raj Nandy 02 September 2009

Your poem brought back old memories when as a young Air Traffic Controller we use to carry out simulated u/s compass talk downs with fighter aircraft, those were the days without Radar & GCA, which followed later! We had used AD-200 Cosoles rather accurately! Thanks! 10! -Raj Nandy

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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