Ramona Ain'T.... Poem by Ramona Thompson

Ramona Ain'T....

Note-Just taking out some anger on my stalker and her twisted little band of trashy followers. They know who they are.

Ramona ain't.....

1. Paris Hilton-So don't treat like she's spoiled, dumb and blond.

2. Britney Spears-So don't treat her as if she's has been, washed up nothing.

3. O.J. Simpson-So don't accuse her of being guilty of something she's never done or would do.

4. Michael Jackson-So don't treat her bad just because you don't know if she's black or white.

5. Tom Cruise-So don't treat her like she's some crazy out of control Hollywood superstar.

6. Martin Luther King-So don't treat like she's dead and ignore her genius for all but one day out of the year.

7. A Porn Star-So don't call her up expecting to get her to spread her legs for cash. She ain't the kind of
trash you wish every woman you dated would be.

8. Jesus-So please quit worshipping her like a god. Attention is great, but your stalking is starting to do
over do it a bit. Seek some help.

9. A Stand Up Comic-So please do quit acting like Ramona and her work are nothing more then a
cheap joke.

10. A Terrorist-So please quit acting like she's trying to destory America and the rest of the world through
her poetry.

Note-This one is for my stalker who has claimed just such a thing over and over again. *rolls eyes* She's
more then a few cans short of a 6 pack I'd say.

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