Reality Poem by Benoni Chortle


Reality is better than my dreams
Even though I can dream that I can fly
Have super strength and invisibility
Catch on fire and not die
Be invincible, invulnerability

Reality is better than my dreams
Even if I could dream Chloe Moretz was by my side
Or Emma Watson, or Emma Stone
That could be some roller coaster ride
That would make my heart skip a beat and a chill through my bones

Reality is better than my dreams
Even if I could have any car I wanted
A Ferrari, Skyline, Porsche, or Lamborghini
My mind would be undaunted
But that would just be silly

Reality is better than my dreams
Even if I was better than Sungha
Where I could play all the notes known to man
Everyone would drop their jaws in awe
Surrounded by celebrities, paparazzi, and all my fans

Reality is better than my dreams
Even if I was the best chess player the world has ever seen
Even if I could beat Kramnik, Fischer, Kasparov, or Carlsen
Wherein winning would just be a routine
Again and again and again

Reality is better than my dreams
Even if I could travel all over the world at any time
London, Moscow, New Zealand, Tokyo
Where the wind would carry me I would go just like a chime
It’d be awesome and I’d be like “whoa! ”

Reality is better than my dreams
For all these things fail in comparison to what is real
That I am forgiven and loved by my creator
The depths of his love is surreal
Yet it’s true and nothing else in this world is greater

Reality is better than my dreams
Simply because my dreams aren’t true
Even if it were, it would fail to compare
To the magnificence and glory of You
I can’t live without you Jesus like how my lungs need the air

Reality is better than my dreams
For I know the fact that in you I find my security
No amount of wealth, power, or fame could match
The joy, peace, hope, love, forgiveness, and victory
Over death, sin, life, and the enemy

Reality is better than my dreams
Reality is where I am
Reality is I am redeemed
Reality is that one day I will meet you face to face

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