Revenge Of Mother And Child Poem by jason mcgookin

Revenge Of Mother And Child

Narrow lanes and overgrown hedges
Heavy rains and blowing gales
Makes it all the harder to drive
Then all of a sudden the engine fails
In the boot somewhere is a torch
with sunlight gone and darkened skies
It was time to make a dash for help
Pausing he's sure he hears a babies cries
Cold and wet the rain drives on
Soaked to the skin muddy and all
theres a house near by to get some help
Running on empty he starts to stall
Out goes the torch its been so long
Walking for miles he falls to the ground
Lying dying in a pool of water
He wakes up warm he's been found
He tries to stand but hes bound and tied
looking around he sees a flicker of light
Still its too dark for him to see
A sharp pain he screams with fright
His eyes start to focus in the dark
A ghostly woman stands at an empty cot
Stands before him, eyes blood red
She stared at him, revenge she sought
As it was he who killed her daughter
As he drove past the same narrow lane
20 years ago to the day
when he hit her, her body laid lame
He drove away as she cuddled her baby
The screams he heard haunted him for years
She commotted suicide, couldnt live anymore
since then he lived with his fears
Of someone finding out what he did
Now he knew what his futer would hold
As he sat bound and tied, muffled screams
waiting for his punishment to be told
Little cries of a baby he hears
Crawls in the door to mummies side
She picks her up onto his lap
Broken bones and cuts so wide
Looks at him with blackened eyes
A twarted face covered in blood
Twisted arms and broken fingers
Clothes still wet dripping of mud
Puts her tiny hands upon his face
Slowly drawing away his light
His face starts to go a shade of grey
His life ends he gives up the fight
Years have gone by with no more sightings
Of the lady and child in the rain
Screams of terror heard no more
Is it because the man was slain? ?


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