Sceptic Poem by Chandra sekharan


God stood in the queue
To get the boarding pass
Long, unending queue
He was taller than the rest
Holding his air ticket
Without destination
Showed only place of boarding
Slowly moved forward
After few hours reached counter
Duty officer scrutinized tickets
And queried
“Aisle, window, rear or front? ”
“Anywhere “
He typed on the computer
Through the top slot of printer
Boarding pass slipped out
Like birth of an infant
Duty officer handed over boarding pass
And air ticket to God
He went through the security check
Entered departure lounge
Crowded with passengers
Shouting, reading, gesticulating
Most of them were in a hurry
Few were sipping coffee or cool drinks
God stood taller than the rest
Suddenly an announcement was heard
“Due to bad weather and thick fog all flights
Are delayed
Regret the inconvenience “
Waited and waited.Several hours passed
Passengers were restless
Became inpatient
But God alone was quiet
He simply smiled
Without any botheration
Again another announcement
“Weather worst. Regret to announce
That all flights are cancelled temporarily”
God folded the boarding pass
Dumped it in the dust bin
Came out of departure lounge
All others followed him
But one man remained in the lounge
Motionless like a rock
Dwarf, fair, bald with dark glass
Protecting his eyes
And thick black mustache
Who was he?
A sceptic, he missed flight
And also God.

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