Sdopsdo Poem by imani halley


Casey is chemistry major and she has started taking a high level chemistry. Describe how trial and error, algorithms, and insight will help her succeed in the class. Than explain how confirmation bias and fixation can hinder her ability to succeed.
Rubric: Student must define and give example
Trial and error: trying a variety of possibilities in problem solving until you get the answer
Ex: She may have a multiple choice question where she has no idea how to approach the answer so instead of guessing. She can use trial and error to plug in each possible answer until she gets the correct one.
Algorithms: A step by step procedure used to solve problems
Ex: She may have a chemistry problem that is very specific in solving so she can use an algorithm to solve the problem quickly and correctly. Because she will know the exact steps to approach the question
Insight: sudden flashes of inspiration
Ex: This can help her because she may not know how to approach a problem at all but suddenly all the pieces come together and she is able to correctly find the solution.
Confirmation bias: the tendency to look for things that confirm our beliefs instead of refute
Ex: In her class she may deal with different medicine. She may be experimenting on a certain drug that helps weight loss. She may believe that eating things with vitamin D help increase weight loss. But her lab partner says otherwise. So she may keep looking for all the ways it does help weight loss even thought her lab partner has evidence that shows it doesn't. Thus when she hands in her paper explaining her experiments her teacher will say she was inaccurate in her hypothesis.
Fixation: The inability to see a problem from a different perspective
Ex: Casey may only know how to solve a chemistry equation a certain way because that's how she has always done it. When her teacher shows her another way to do it that's faster she still chooses not to because. She feels her way is the only way to solve the problem. Thus when she takes a timed test she doesn't have enough time to complete all the problems because her way of solving took too long.

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