Secure Poem by Pierre Rausch


Poppins, about a path to find
Poppins, dare this path to find
A picture of crackles to find
A debris of color to guess
Follow the jaw, to the exit at right
Follow no hunt, no overwhelming limit
You were in the glasses, when you sink to the ground,
You were in the glasses, when I grew around,
Saw a man cracking his hot tea
Don't dare this to be – (alinea)
Crisp crackers or cartons
It makes no fun, no use to seem
Poppins, about a path to find
Poppins, about a path to find
Poppins, dare this path to find
She won't leave you
She stays at your door
If you're the one who wants (it to be)
You were in the glasses, swift as weave, when you sink to the ground,
You were in the glasses, when I grew around
Don't dare this to happen,
Means this to be aligned,
Don't dare this, it's a field I can't describe,
You were in the glasses, it's a field I can't describe,
You were in the glasses, it makes no fun to seem,
Police control – Identification Card
Control Officer - badge
You were in the glasses, when I grew around,
You were in the glasses, when I hit the ground,
Poppins, about a path to find
Poppins, dare this path to find
Poppins, dare this path to find
Spaces crackles to guess
I believe something
Turning to the grass to find
This to be found

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