Set Into Motion Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Set Into Motion

Methods of discrediting,
For the purpose to diminish one's influence...
Aren't methods easily detected,
But nonetheless applied as reminders.

I remember the first time I was told I was a 'minority'.
And I guess I reacted as if unaffected.
Because it seemed as if it became someone's duty,
To imply my life was restricted to limitations.

And when I scoffed at this...
That's when insults and blatant disrespect began.
Everyone I knew got into the act!

People taught their children to be disgusting.
Even thinking them cute when they began to cuss.
I prepared myself for little Johnnie to say something to me.
Something derogatory.
'please don't let that little boy be that crazy.
Please Father God,
Remove images I should not have out of my mind.'

Visions of sitting in prison...
Locked behind bars for the rest of my life,
Kept me from smacking the hell out of Johnnie.

When it becamed noticeable I was being provoked...
I took deep breaths.
Or choked from smoking too many cigarettes.
Something to maintain a self control.
Or disguised as one.

Gender benders became the rage.
And if someone was not weird or strange...
Lesbian or homosexual,
By Sunset?
It was a bet to be won they were going to be pegged,
As 'something' or someone freaky.
And the following day,
Confirmations were all over the place.
Of course. I exaggerate.
But that's the way it seemed.

And folks wonder why today is so crazed.
I don't!
This was set into motion!

Now people today who thought
Having 'things' would give them reason for living...
Look like zombies that should be leashed.
Or at least caged.

Life from them has been sucked by mortgage payments.
Credit cards and bad credit scores.
And they are nothing but whores...
Of a disposable culture!
To allow oneself to become like this,
Without charging a fee?
To me is despicable.
And you can call me anything you want.
Not a dread on my head will be cut.

Methods of discrediting,
For the purpose to diminish one's influence...
Aren't methods easily detected,
But nonetheless applied as reminders.

And you know what?
I am glad I have been reminded,
Of my 'insignificance'.
Since I am 'thrilled' I had nothing to do with this mess!

And my mind has been protected from trying to help.
I used to be one of those 'unity' for all people.
With a sacrificial understanding.
Until I awakened and found my peace of mind.

And I would not hesitate to kill,
If that was threatened to be taken away.
And I thank God that is 'almost' impossible!
I say 'almost' because these days I love to tease.
And some folks at the edge of jumping off the ledge...
Would not understand I am only having fun,
When I suggest to them to jump!
People have a tendency not to keep their focus.

God is good.
All the time!
One has to 'live' to know that!


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