Smile And Happy Poem by VAIDYANATHAN.T. RAM

Smile And Happy

Rating: 5.0

Smile, nourishes the good health,
His smile makes others happy,
When baby smiles,
It makes others happy,
where he forgets his sorrow.
Sometimes, even greeny environment
Keeps him smile and happy.
To some, the flora and fauna
Keeps him smile and happy.
Somewhere, to some,
The beautiful aroma makes
Him smile and happy.
Even art, maybe music or martial arts
Makes him smile and happy.
When he achieves success in his job,
Keeps him smile and happy.
The appreciation from someone,
Makes him smile and happy.
To some, dedication towards the
Orphans or poverty,
Makes him smile and happy.
Some inventions, invented by him,
His inventions reached the society,
Makes him smile and happy.
Developing the wealth
Through his hardwork or smartwork,
Keeps him always smile and happy.

Making sin to others happiness
Does not make him smile or happy.
Since Making himself and others
Smile and happy,
He can't be happy.

Making smile, the people around him,
Will make him smile and happy.

Shakil Ahmed 26 October 2015

of course smile makes us happy, beautiful write, i enjoyed reading the poem, thanks for sharing, , if you find time please read some of my poems and leave your comments.

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Abdulrazak Aralimatti 30 October 2015

Verily, there are many means good and bad that makes man happy but finding the right happiness is the virtuous thing.

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Amitava Sur 07 November 2015

Smile comes from happiness what is originated from peace in mind.... enjoyed reading the poem.

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Edward Kofi Louis 17 April 2016

To smile and, to take a mile with life! Thanks for sharing.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 26 October 2019

Smile and be happy is the best philosophy in life. A smile can make anyone happy and can keep the atmosphere around calm and peaceful. A lovely poem with a nice message.......10

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Tom Allport 05 October 2017

a wise worded lovely poem of what makes us happy? ..............well written

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Dr Antony Theodore 01 May 2017

Making smile, the people around him, Will make him smile and happy. Smile and the world will smile with you. that is the truth and also my experience in my life.............thankyou dear poet for this wonderful theme. tony

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Mubeen Sadhika 19 October 2016

Good one. Nice share.

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Akhil Raveendran 20 April 2016

keep him smile and make him happy not easy.. be the reason for some one smile today that we can do.. be happy and try to pass it..

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