Songs Poem by Jagannath rao Adukuri


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She sang all sorts of songs
Infused with meaning, at times
Celebrating; at other times, cerebrating
She caught the essence of rhythm,
Some times bewilderingly different
As though the very nature of things
Could have been something else
And followed a different logical course.
There were so many other ways
Of penetrating the core of sound.

Mesmerized by alternative rhythms
Embodying other approaches to life
She wanted to change history
And the uninterrupted flow of life
Executing brilliant rhythm patterns.
She hoped to get at the Truth
By artful manipulation of sound
Through a blind trial and error,
Or through an endless deduction
A beyond-logic, unpatterned rhythm.
Her songs took turns and twists
They followed the Big Logic
Just a beyond-logic derived from
The idea of cosmic creation itself.
Her dreams did not end there
Slowly her canvas came to life
As the evening tapered off to dusk.
She randomly vivisected the image
As a restless child would do and
Ended up with different faces.

Each face was a harmony in sound
The rhythm of life’s logic was all there.
A random splash of resplendent colours
A digital manipulation of a puckered up face
Seemed to be approximating to Truth.
The essential Logic still eluded her
Being the logic of the Grand Dream.
Did she know why the faces were there
Why we were here to begin with
What if the Dreamer stopped dreaming
Or the Cause did not lead to Effect
One thing did not follow the other in time?

The night advanced slowly casting
Its ominous shadows on the faces
Outside her house the tree shook gently
To the gentle tug of a dreamlike wind
Rustling through its autumn leaves
The sky rumbled vaguely in the distance
Silver-lined clouds dissipated in the hills
The wind fizzled down in the night’s stillness.

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