Sweetheart Poem by James Rektor


My sweethearts take this gentle rose
Press it to your heart and always remember
This meeting will be our last.

Tomorrow, I go away across endless skies
To a place so different, you cannot imagine
And our meeting will be over...

Though we can imagine, we may meet again
It is improbable just as fate brought us
Together, it has taken us away...

I know in my heart we will never be
Together again, Fate planned it this way
And in our meeting love was born

A love that will not go away
Through times and places and a million miles
In generations yet to be our love will travel.

In our hearts it is burned, forever
As in our first loving and in today's
Our last we will never be apart

So my darlings take this gentle rose
Press it to your lips and caress it
As You caressed me, so I can see and remember.

And in the years to be I will remember
This time and taking such a rose
I will raise it to my own lips
And in doing, Our love will never die.

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