Tension The Mother Of Creation Poem by Ali Ashjaee

Tension The Mother Of Creation

In the past, ages ago, worn and old
Chaos brought in mother Earth, father Heaven ahold
There began the original tension in the world
She begot damnation, left hope accord
Golden race reduced to stone by the war of sword
Two stories left, one has been told

As Satan refused to obey the Lord
And swore to confuse Adam and Eve’s fold
The original tension suffused the world
She begot suffer and angst to behold
The misery of Adam and Eve aboard
Yet, another story left, not told

The clash of The Forces, so bold
Each demand a territory to hold
The original tension cast into world
She begot a rocky land, dark and cold
For the evolutionary road of men’s mold
The end of stories about man’s creation ever told

But, one mystery left behind, not decode
That ‘Tension is the Mother of Creation in the world’
Let your mind traverse upon universe and explode
Tension enlivens the inanimate mold
What an artist needs to bless life into word
What a creative mind praise as gold
Either termination arise or perfection in hold
Flee the realm of order and balance, not abode
In Plato’s republic brain and brawn corrode

Saturday, March 8, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: creation
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