The Banner Knight Ix Knightmare Poem by Bob and Alex Eichen

The Banner Knight Ix Knightmare

I'm standing on a broad plain
It's almost dawn
On the ground, all around me, are my friends
All dead!
Fallen knights, hacked to bits
They depended on me
And I failed them!
I stare into my shield
It's hacked and bloody
But I see my reflection
I look tired
And old
Have I been crying?
I never cry
'It's all right, Father'
I look up
My sons! My sons!
They look older somehow
Something's wrong
Then I remember
They're dead too
I start to cry!

Then I hear the mad howls of ten thousand warriors. They're after me! I try to run. I never run! My legs! My legs! Why can't I run? I run to a bridge. If I can only cross before they catch me. Panic! Terror!

Someone help me! I look to the Heavens for aid but all I see are black storm clouds. No God. No Angels. But I can hear the Devil laughing!

I'm so cold...So tired...Despair!

If I can only cross the bridge....I'm at the center..
No! No! No!

The enemy is on the other side in endless numbers. I'm trapped. I stare at them hoping for mercy. It's then I realyze, that all of the warriors on the field today, are warriors I've already killed.....And they're upon me

Hacking, choking, biting, tearing, pounding!

I'm screaming, screaming, screaming
I'm falling, falling.
The bridge is collapsing!
I hit the water
I'm so cold, I'm so tired
I'm drowning....I'm drowning
But I can't die!
I'm the Red Oak
I'm the Iron Oak
I'm Sir Robert De La Roche
I'm Roberto Diablo
I'm The Knight Of The Banner

I'm the Banner Knight
and I'm dying!

I wake with a start
It was a dream. The same dream I have every night.

I'm alive!

I'm the Banner Knight!
and I'm alive.

I laugh! I laugh and laugh and laugh!

Now! Who dies next?

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