Thomas Blenerhasset Poems

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The Lyfe Of Ladye Ebbe.

Do nothing muse at my deformed face,
For Nature it in perfect moulde dyd make:
And when your wits haue wayed well the case,

The Pilgrimes Post Scrip.

Euermore my Muse shall magnifie thy name
Most gracious, most right renowned dame
Nowe that I knowe thy due deserued fame:

The Lyfe Of Queene Hellina.

Mens due desertes ech Reader may recite,
For men of men doo make a goodly show,
But womens workes can neuer come to light,

A Revelation Of The True Minerva

The Preface.

A poore Pilgrime who seekes the circle rounde
Of all the worlde to finde his heartes desire,

The Complaint Of Carassus.

Sith men be borne by Nature naked all,
With their estates why are not men content?
Why doo they deeme the want of wealth a thral?

The Complaint Of Edricus.

You hellish hagges of Limbo Lake belowe,
Which dayly doo my cursed corps torment,
Come forth, come forth, come forth, (I say) and shewe

The Complaint Of Guidericus.

On staylesse top of Honours high renowne,
With busye brayne to builde a bower there,
Is doune to fall at Fortunes froward frowne,

The Complaint Of Sigebert.

Two partes in one a Heardman here must play,
My tale must tende eche princes lyfe to mende,
And this my talke most playnely must displaye,

The Complaint Of Vter Pendragon.

We leade our liues by fancies fonde delight,
For kingdomes some doo busy much theyr brayne,
But Cupids curse that wretched litle wight,

The Complaynt Of Alurede.

My wrinckled cheeks bedeawde with drops of dole
My visage pale, my wan and withered face,
Do wel declare how I haue runne my race.

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