The Edge Of Time Poem by Claudia Krizay

The Edge Of Time

Rain never falls upon the edge of time.
Yesterday was a nightmare for me; I would awaken in hell’s brushfire
Every morning and
In the evening you sing before flames around a campfire-
I would sing songs of death and persecution and
You would sing cheering folk songs-
Tomorrow you would play with
The stones and sticks you found
By the creek side-
You are and always have been the blissful one while
I feel the tears day and night-
Once happy, forever content-
You were born under a different sign-
You never believed in signs or games we would play but
They were all I had to depend on for hope-
You grew tall and made it in this world and
I retreated into a world of my own, fabricated
For me alone- reality to me and to you, none but a delusion?
I remember rain falling upon the edge of time-
I am standing on the edge about to jump-
If you would spread your wings you would fly proudly above
The world and all of its pain and misfortune-
I would fall, being a bird with broken wings-
I remember nothing- I am burning into
None but a cinder- you have made it and have won the battle
That battle that I have lost- what is it?
It is none but fate- some people make it in this lifetime and others fail,
And their spirits die- it hardly matters how hard you try-
Some people, born to find fortune no matter how hard they fight the battles-
Others give their all and become outcasts. I am an outcast and
Rain has fallen upon my horizon-drowning me-
There is no time for salvation, I have reached the end and foresee no future-
Perhaps in another lifetime, rain in my dreams with some hope shall
Make beautiful flowers grow….

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