The Key Holder And The Door Keeper/Kljucar I Vratar Poem by Miroslava Odalovic

The Key Holder And The Door Keeper/Kljucar I Vratar

The key holder and the door keeper penetrated by light
He touches into the colour he’s dipped into the light
Unlocked opened
When life wants a waterfall and he wants merely a drop
Then nothing can become nothing can into being come
Neither through the goldsmith nor through messenger
Not a single period carrying the same name untamed and final
Does swim the sky arches for the water itself
In the kaleidoscopes it’ll know one colour only
Of its own beginning and the end-less air
And that’s when you think that’s when you know how good it would be
To remove the pupils from the horizon
Copy them into the bottom of the lake
Into the matrix succession of things being lonely in the same cell since time immemorial
Cross them at the place at which
Pierced by the light the pupils crush against the eyesight
Move into the unknown quite original quite light
And to give them the eyes that no one has ever had
The eyelids with which no one has ever blinked
And to call it all a new different creation
A life dressed in life eternal
Saying that’s enough to the little dress of death

Ključar i vratar svjetlošću zadiran
U boje diraju u svjetlo umočen
Otključan otvoren
Kad život hoće slap a on samo kaplju
Tad ne nastaje ništa tad ne biva ništa
Ni zlatarom ni vijesnikom
Ni nijedno doba istoimeno neobuzdano i krajnje
Ne preplivava svodove nebeske zarad vode same
U kalidoskope znaće tek istobojno
Sopstvenog početka i bez-kraja vas-duha
I tad misliš tad znaš kako bi bilo dobro
Skinuti zjenice sa horizonta
Precrtati ih u dubine jezera
U matični slijed stvari istoćelijno samih oduvijek
Prekrižiti ih s mjesta na kome se
Svjetlošću probodene survavaju zjene vidokrugom
U neznanje sasvim prvo sasvim lako
I dodati im oči kakve nikad niko imao nije
Kapke kojima nikad niko zatreptao nije
I sve to nazvati novim drugačijim stvaranjem
Životom obučenim u život vječni
Što kaže da dosta je ovog haljetka smrti

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