The More Others Try To Control Us Poem by Francis Duggan

The More Others Try To Control Us

The more others try to control us the less of us they can control
And the more that we grow to dislike them when they try to block light from our soul
Why impose your religious views upon others if they have a God of their own
Or if they are atheists or agnostics and God to them remains unknown.

I have a God her name is Nature then why don't you leave me alone
And I do not try to convert you to my way of thinking and respect for your beliefs I've shown
When you tell me my God's not a real God you hurt me with your words you do
For I've always loved Mother Nature and to her I will remain true

When to your religion you try to convert me your words I do not wish to hear
Your God is a God I won't worship to you I have made that quite clear
Yet your God I've never insulted whilst you are insulting to mine
Where do the bread that you eat come from and what grows the grapes for your wine?

'Tis about your own soul you ought to worry though you say that mine in hell will burn
I was born out of an act of Nature and to Nature one day I'll return
And the stream will flow on to the river when I am forgotten and gone
And Nature will live on without us and life as usual will go on.

The more others try to control us the more that we seem to resist
And the more that we seem to deny them the harder they seem to persist
And you never will convert me to your religion though you never do cease to try
For my God will always be Nature and I'll return to her when I die.

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