The New Year Eve,2013 Poem by Dr John Celes

The New Year Eve,2013

The Old Year cruises to a grinding halt!
The New Year dawns midnight despite darkness!
What amazing light and sound marks the start!
Fun and gaiety change the atmosphere!

To some, it was a cruel Old Year '12!
The New Year heralds hopes, expectations;
What people want is more freedom, less tax;
But corruption's the same as ever still!

More food got wasted despite hungry mouths;
Some crimes are turning more heinous and rife;
The common man reels under immense strife;
Money has lost its value over years!

Lives are priceless, thanks to small families;
The risk of accidents is on the rise;
Moral values are taking a back seat;
The modern age is good but dangerous!

Men scramble for better paid jobs often;
Money has become master upon earth;
God has been forgotten by most people;
Life has turned ‘high-tech' in many a sphere!

The family values are losing import;
The generation gap is widening;
The bond of love within the home's weaker;
More selfishness and vanity prevail.

Science has given a sense of false hopes;
Man relies on his own strength and not God's;
The world will be in faster mood and mode;
Yet Nature will conduct the show on earth.

Nevertheless, man must be quite alert;
Aligning with Nature's always safer;
All modernities aren't always better;
Old is gold, though diamonds flood the marts!

Society mustn't forget sense of values;
Man must not forget his spiritual needs;
The sinful soul can't remain thus for long;
Repentant hearts must seek the way to Truth!

Let's not forget the Omnipotent God;
The Maker of the Universe is prime;
He sees the hearts and minds of everyone;
He cares for all and judges fairly, souls!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 27-12-12

The New Year heralds hopes, expectations;
Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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