The Portal Of Realms Poem by Adam IceCommando

The Portal Of Realms

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Open your eyes! You blind mortal
Hear me cite the tale of the portal
The one all of you will take
When you relinquish this realm of fake

DEATH! Is the portal of realms.
The fearsome truth that will overwhelm
You will know it! The time to die
When your sight wilt and your pulse decry
Like a ticking bomb, it is going to blow!
But can't be defused! You have to go!

When DEATH! is summoned, time will freeze
And sinks deep in your ocean of tears
Tears frozen in the flames of fears
Fears came alive from life of yore
Gates of remorse are open nevermore
Days of filth wearied so fast
But the end has came at last
You dangling outcast!

Your hopes are dry, your tears are sand
Will you take the portal of heaven?
Or the portal of the damned?
And as you start to fall
Screams of pain, begs and trolls
The last dying calls
Drags your hypnotized soul
To make her stay!
But there is no way
Now your breaths are ceased
Your moments in this fake decrease
Hope not of redemption's breeze
Say goodbye to all your dears

New age dawns at this start
As your days end, as you depart
Now enter the world of dark and light
With the angels of hope
And the demons of night
Where body rots in the land of spirit
Where all beings get what they merit

Will you glow by angels' touch?
Or will you fall in demons' clutch?
How about you begin to prey?
To beg god to chase away
The fears of doom in this darkened day
To lead your soul to eternal bay

It's your call and you're choosing
Two paths: winning or losing!
I only remind you of this lore
Before DEATH! Knocks your door…

this poem is said by a character i made called 'The dark night hunter' the son of death!
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