The Way You Will Be Poem by Asrar Qureshi

The Way You Will Be

Life presses on
With a force of its own
People are carried along
Like leaves in wind
Having no power or will
Having no control on their destination or destiny
But some people entrench
They root themselves firmly on the ground
And refuse to be carried around powerlessly
They create their personal destiny
And command their destination
This is The Way You Will Be
Because you are special, My Friend!
Because you were always special, My Friend
And, you will always be special, My Friend
Do you know what makes you special?
It is your personality, your qualities, your strengths, your liveliness, your loveliness, your optimism, your brightness, your talent, your positive energy, your warmth, your sensitivity, your courage, and even your adventurism
My Friend! look at yourself right now in a mirror
Then think and look inside yourself
You will see the truthfulness of what I say
And who am I?
I am your mirror-image, your counterpart, your partner, your soul-mate, your friend, your admirer, your mentor and always your well-wisher
And why am I?
Because you are so very generous to give me all these roles

My Friend!
What is The Way You Will Be?
You will be happy and fulfilled and successful and satisfied and respected and cherished and loved and cared for and waited upon and vied for and wanted and protected
You will be the master of your own destiny, writer of your own fate, builder of your own life and icon of strength and inspiration for others
My Friend!
This is The Way You Will Be

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