There A Mother Poem by kelly berry

There A Mother

They a mother in the room holding her baby.
She know what she has to do to help her child.
She know that they a doctor in the next room was to save her.
Little did they know what that they world was gone be to late to save her.

They a mother in this room near a doctor.
She knows how long she waited for help.
She know that it too late for her as she has them thoughts.
Little did they know she was to take her own life and leave this baby crying

They a mother leaving the doctors.
She know what she is gone do.
She know it will not take long to take her own life in her way.
Little did they know that she had the plans and the motive to kill her.

They a mother turning the key to the door
She know that this will be the last time.
She know she has to leave that no as she sat down and started to write.
Little did they know she felt alone and she felt no one was ready to help her.

They a mother that died last night.
She knows this
She know why if only she talked to them this would not of happen
Little did we know that she need help and that we could of saved her if we was to talk.

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