Thief Of Hearts Poem by Aldo Kraas

Thief Of Hearts

Now that the thief of hearts arrived in Toronto from China
All the staffs of the hospitals are very afraid and very worried about the hearts that are kept in the fridge in the emergency rooms of the hospitals
Yes they have patients that wait months for a heart tramsplant
Because first they have to find a donor that will donatetheheart so that They can transplant it inside of their heart
But the next day one of thispotal already had been robed
The thief of hearts made his way tothe emergency room by using a Disguise and telling every patient that he is a doctor in the hosoital
And the patients believed the thief of hearts
But when the real doctors arrived at the emergency room to pick up the 20 hearts for the operation
The 20 hearts had been stolen from the hospital
It is too late now because the thief of heart is making his way to the second hospital to steal the hearts so he can send them to china so that the hearts
Will be sold for much more money than what is worth here in Canada

Aldo Kraas

Aldo Kraas

Sao Paulo Brazil
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