Today... 'The Carpenter' Poem by Roy Allen

Today... 'The Carpenter'

Joseph the carpenter's Adopted One
born to his family as Mary's son.
In Nazareth with skill the yokes You made
working hard to learn Your carpenting trade.

Master craftsman and skilled worker of wood
lived there the meek and lowly Son of God.
They took offence thinking You just to be
Mary's son living with them locally.

Great worker of souls made of earthly clay
'Come learn of Me, ' to us we hear You say.
'My yoke is easy and My burden's light
Come rest in Me for I have won the fight.'

Your workmanship clearly displayed in me
Such great craftsmanship and creativity.
I've been sensitively taken apart
and then born again with a brand new heart.

Your wondrous ability to transform
can be seen the miracles You perform.
When in repentance people come to You
to be forgiven and are made anew.

From my great burden I have been set free.
No more the penalty of sin for me
for now I have been made completely whole
by the wondrous Carpenter of my soul

(additional background information is provided in the Poem's story box below)

Mark 6: 1-3
Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed.
 'Where did this man get these things? ' they asked. 'What's this wisdom that has been given him, that he even does miracles! Isn't this the carpenter? Isn't this Mary's son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren't his sisters here with us? ' And they took offense at him.

All quotations ©NIV

The Bible calls You by many names
Each one giving a glimpse of Your glory
Like a cut diamond radiating in the sun
Every facet depicting an aspect of the Divine
Today I have thought of You as
'The Carpenter'
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