Transformation Poem by Claudia Krizay


On this quiet summer's night
The quarter moon seemingly upholds a
Shooting star against
A background sky of royal blue-
Through the mystifying darkness
I would follow the pathway of the wind,
That wind that can almost be seen-
That wind that is frighteningly stark white within
My mind's eye, so powerfully blowing,
Though I have been told by the magical voices inside of my mind,
Not in an angry or threatening way-
To me everything in this vast and complex world
In which I live is ominous and intimidating-
I would stand in awe upon a mountaintop, of
The sky that is part of this universe so vast and mysterious-always looking
In the direction of the wind with hope that
Someday it shall subside and the barren tree
That stands by the lonesome creek in its solitude
Shall bear leaves and give me shade and some comfort, as I am left alone to dream.
One evening there shall be thousands of stars illuminating the sky so that
I can journey without trepidation into the distant and perplexing universe
At the dawning of a new day without ever looking behind-
Within my utmost imagination, I shall embrace the mysticism of the sun as it
Ascends over the horizon and I will have found some peace-
It shall not matter the time or place because
I shall have only moved forward in this life,
When I find myself standing on the same mountaintop on another balmy summer's eve,
I shall behold the moon and stars, brilliant against the darkening sky,
My heart shall burst into a joyful song as all that I fear
Will have been carried away by the wind- and contentment and peace of mind
Shall be written in the stars above, changing my life forever.

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