Tribute To Th Uss Meredith Dd434 Poem by Charles Garcia

Tribute To Th Uss Meredith Dd434

USS Meredith DD434
Charles Garcia

She was a mighty ship; In the Solomon Islands
She was,15th of October, San Christibol where
She went down, Master of the ship, Captain
Harry E Hubbard under his command.
The Japanese came in numbers,40 maybe more,
Kamikaze bombers deciding to score.
All dive bombers whose lives not spared, in the name of Emperor Hirohito, they attacked not scared.
One by one they disappear in the face of the enemy
As the guns of the Meredith fire at will, find there
marks as the attack begins at dawn. .
But there is more;
She fought gallantly till the end she could fight no more, as the Kamikazi’s find their mark and score,
She can stand no more; Over side, over side, the Captain of the ship decides, abandon ship as no place to hide, We must leave her if we are to survive, Abandon ship out goes the call, many jump overboard into the sea, laden in oil.
Last to leave our Captain when it becomes his turn, into the murky waters seen no more.
Many ships to be named by this gallant crew.
Begins with:
USS Harry E Hubbard DD748
USS Edgar Chase DE16
USS Atherton DE 169
USS Cockrill DE 398
USSNaifeh DE 352
USS Odum DE 670
USS Durik DE666
For no other Ships in History have had more names,
Named for her crew.
Inspired by Robert Robinson CQM Survivor of the USS Meredith.


Charles Garcia

Charles Garcia

Honolulu Hawaii
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