Universal Truths Poem by malini kadir

malini kadir

malini kadir

Nagapatinam, a coastal port, Tamilnadu, India NOW RESIDING IN TRICHY

Universal Truths

Life is about understanding each other's pains
Spoken and unspoken
Then as staunch friends would do.....
Walking on;
Black and brown and white and all
Dainty ways of skipping details;
That throw a harsh light on sad truths
To walk on.....making light
OF matters tight;
Just smiling understanding.....
And caring acceptance
Of your short comings and mine
For the shady tree's of aged habits
Leave us resting in comfort
No meaning; not much harm
But caught into the vicious cycle
When we invariably find comfort
And peace in routine,
A healing..........unexplainable
That is poetic
In its truth........
Speaks volumes of deep trust
And perhaps a needy must
In every man's life

A friend, a listener....
A companion who can understand

Why this treasure
Must one throw?
In fear of gossip?
Or lack of trust
In oneself?

Perhaps one should
Turn the pages
OF the passing years
To from the past few years
Gain an incite......
Knowing we who bow before the Lord
Are oft walking the median path
Where neither extremes will do

We bold on the royal road of pride;
A stride upright and straight....
When birds of the same feather flocks together
Yet finds a place in the Wild birds sanctuary
So would each of us perhaps
Let not pride separate
Said the heart to the mind......

malini kadir

malini kadir

Nagapatinam, a coastal port, Tamilnadu, India NOW RESIDING IN TRICHY
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