Wailing Wall Poem by Liza Sud

Wailing Wall

If in the world there were a very good teacher -
I would kindly ask him to teach
Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton
that Wailing Wall is an Israel's print.

Three-year old child may know it, dear.
Is it bad study or wish to rewrite
history - or a destroying ambition
to ruin everthing and all around?

They are upsetting such people like Laitman,
they are upsetting historians, saints
All that they bring to world - is a destruction:
Lybia, Israel, Europe next.

Isn't that showing: we can decide everything?
Isn't that spitting in the whole world's face? !
isn't that really SHAME for UNESCO?
Is there anyone who could explain?

Если есть в мире очень хороший учитель,
то тогда я его попрошу любезно,
чтоб объяснил он Обаме и Хилари Клинтон,
что Стена Плача - памятник все же еврейский.

Знает об этом даже трехлетний ребенок,
Школа плохая, или переписать
снова историю хочется - амбициозный
всеразрушения мира вокруг - их план?

Огорчены им такие люди, как Лайтман,
люди истории, божий народ огорчен,
Будет ли ими весь мир теперь разрушаться?
Ливия раньше, Израиль, Европа потом.

Это ли не демонстрация: 'мы здесь решаем все'!
Это ли не плевок в лицо всего мира?
Это ли не позор для тебя, ЮНЕСКО?
Или есть кто-нибудь, кто это объяснил бы?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: tribute
From Article By Michael Laitman We've Probably Been Spared, For Now…| 10/11/16 in HAARETZ
http: //www.haaretz.com/haaretz-labels/laitman/1.752347

Less than a month ago, UNESCO denied the connection between Israel and the Temple Mount. I wrote then that the decision at UNESCO was the beginning of the end of the state of Israel. And yet, even I was surprised by the speed at which things have deteriorated. While the world's eyes were fixed on tallying votes, the 'United Nations General Assembly committees in New York voted Tuesday on at least nine anti-Israel resolutions, including two that ignore Jewish ties to the Temple Mount.'

This vote, the first in a series of anti-Israel steps, is part of a vendetta against Israel that Obama has been planning for some time now. Had Hillary Clinton won, Israel's situation would have been far worse. But Trump's victory, coupled with the GOP's domination of both the House and the Senate, allows us to pause and reflect on what we should do in order to avoid the impending catastrophe about to descend on the Jewish people.

and more: http: //conservativetribune.com/obama-just-threatened-israel/
Colonel Muhamad Khalid Khan 18 November 2016

Nicely done poem Liza Col Muhammad Khalid Khan

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