When Stress Strikes In Sudden A Style … Poem by Dr John Celes

When Stress Strikes In Sudden A Style …

When stress is encountered in sudden ways,
Let not your body get in ‘fight-flight mode;
Your heart rate goes up, vessels then constrict,
Breathing’s shallow and quick; muscles tense up.

Postpone your reaction and stop awhile;
Your brain responds to stressor stimuli;
Do not give in to your emotions fast;
Automatic reactivity’s bad!

The habit puts your health in danger zone;
Combat the stress by breathing slow and deep;
Let diaphragm take the greater part each breath;
You feel becalmed almost immediately.

Try progressive muscle relaxation.
Contract, relax each muscle group in turn;
Release the tension as muscles relax;
Distract yourself from what bothers you now.

Talk to a friend or read a book at hand;
Avoid anger, anxiety, depression;
Just play a game or give a break earlier;
Exercise helps as endorphins pour in.

A hot bath helps after rubbing skin oil;
Listen to music that can soothe the mind;
Change the topic to something that hurts less;
Resort to sleeping well each night non-stop.

Limit your beverages, smoking, wine;
Develop a calm mind-set and vent your thoughts;
Think positively, avoiding stresses;
Let not your worries worry you each day.

Converse with friends and your near and dear ones;
Learn to smile often and laugh when you can;
Meditation helps the mind to be calm;
Observe what happens all around you fast.

Introspect and notice how body acts;
If world seems faster, slow down your own pace;
Postponing things cannot relieve your stress;
Ignore those things that irk you every time;
Rely upon your self-confidence power.

Copyright by Dr John Celes 10-08-2015

Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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